Monday, February 11, 2013

Get the Inside Scoop at

Get the Inside Scoop at

My teacher E.Baker once said, "To be bored in NYC means you're an effin boring person". His blunt statement resonated with me as I often find myself in a rut of following the same mundane routine. I decided to change my way of living by exploring more of what NYC has to offer. I was overwhelmed with where to start with my new determination to change my living style.

Luckily, I found the website On there thousands of events posted on their page. They even split their events up in categories and months. One of the best parts of is their list of FREE events in NYC. As a broke college student, their FREE event listing is a great way to experience something new without breaking your bank account.

So if you ever feel bored in NYC check out to see what's going on in our fabulous city. New York is what you make of it. So get out there! Explore!

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