Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it! If you missed out on the coloring pages of Easter eggs you could always print some out and color them on your own time.

Here are some examples of last night's event! Everyone's imagination went to so many different places. You could either make your own "egg" which turned out to be a face for the most part or make a colorful Easter egg.

Move Over Astrology....

Here comes numerology! Find out what your life path number is and what it says about you, it's simple and fun. Go to this link and calculate your number:

Plant Advice

It's so rainy outside today, all the plants outside are probably drinking up the rain. But not your cactus. Remember, don't over water your cactus

- Z

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ginger Lemonade!

Spring has sprung but you're still eating like you're going into hibernation! Whenever I'm feeling a little gross and need something refreshing and good for my stomach, I turn to ginger lemonade.

For a bottle like this, I chopped up about an inch of ginger root, three small lemons without seeds or skin (or Meyer lemons! They're at TJ's now and are a cross between lemons and clementines.), four cups of water and threw it all in the blender.

If you don't have a blender, mincing the ingredients works just as well. If you REALLY want to get a refreshing "Aaaah..." with every sip, chop up a few mint leaves as well. Sugar is totally optional and should be used sparingly if at all.

Happy Spring, everyone!

xoxo Alli

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

7 Ways to Avoid Procrastination

It's that time of the semester when we are overloaded with work but have zero motivation to do it all. Here are some tips to stop you from procrastinating.

1. Start with the hardest task first. 
Use your initial energy to complete your toughest task. 

2. Get a second wind at 2 pm. 
Try resetting your day at 2 PM with your choice of energy boost such as coffee, fruit, or granola bar. This will turn your day into a fully productive day instead of only getting work done in the morning when our brains are sharpest.

3. Break the task into smaller tasks. 
Projects can be a lot less overwhelming if you see it as a list of small things.

4. Ask a friend to keep you accountable. 
If you're worried about completing a project, tell a friend. Ask them to check in every so often. Fear of disappointing someone is a powerful positive motivator.

5. To get past the starting apprehension, set a timer for ten minutes. 
Work for ten minutes, anyone can work for 10 minutes. Chances are, you'll get engrossed after those ten minutes, have a small success and want to continue working. 

6. Eliminate distractions. 
Silence your cell phone, install blocking software on your computer that prohibits use of certain sites after a designated amount of time, install software that shows you how you use your time on your computer, or find a quiet place to work where no one will distract you.

7. Plan a day without procrastination.
Make a list of tasks you've been avoiding and then don't stop until it's all done. This usually works best when you have a friend.

Check out these videos from ASAP science. They can help you further understand procrastination, productivity, and laziness.

without further ado....

Vampires SUCK!

If you're anything like me, on a day to day basis you wonder how long Edward Cullen could nibble on your neck until you die. Well if you also wonder that same thing YOU ARE IN LUCK!   A team of physics students at the University of Leicester recently worked out the math and HERE IT IS!!!

Spring Equinox Cereal Celebration Recap

Happy Spring Ludlow!

Last Sunday RA Jon and I rang in the new season with some cereal downstairs in the community room! Check out some of the pics of residents enjoying a bowl below!

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21 - 26 Horoscopes

WEEK OF MARCH 21 - 27, 2016

You're usually ahead of the curve, Ram, but when laser-focused Mercury blasts into your sign from Monday until April 5, you'll be in your own personal time zone. Keep a capture tool close at hand—in your bag and on your nightstand—to record your brilliant ideas. They won't all be keepers, but dollars to donuts that a few of them will be winners! Even if only a few have the potential to bear fruit straight away, squirrel all of 'em away for future reference. Since quicksilver Mercury is the communication planet, you won't have any problem speaking your mind: Just be alert before you blurt! Your off-the-cuff remarks may be clever but could offend or even deeply wound some of your more sensitive friends or colleagues. While you can always beg for forgiveness later, that doesn't mean they'll forget. This Mercury cycle is also a good time to revamp your identity and give yourself an image upgrade—even the aspects you consider "signature you." Work with a stylist to build a wardrobe instead of throwing together random pieces. And don't be afraid to experiment—maybe it’s time for that shoulder-skimming bob or to go redhead rogue, embracing the Aries signature hue.
Wednesday's total lunar eclipse in Libra lands in your seventh house of partnerships, opening up a Pandora's box of intense emotions you may never have experienced before. OR you might be on the receiving end of someone else's previously hidden feelings. This could be the beginning of something exciting and new—or an opportunity to shout “Finally!” as you take an attraction out of the friend zone, at last. And that's good news because relationships that start under this full moon could have staying power and hidden strength. If you've been keeping a secret crush to yourself, speak up! You might be surprised to learn the attraction is mutual. On the flip side, this could mark the beginning of the END of something that's reached its expiration date. If you're unhappily attached and have been waiting for a sign that it's time to move on, this eclipse could bring it. Just be careful not to act rashly. You don't want to make a decision you'll live to regret. For some Aries, this eclipse will just bring a resounding sense of confidence that you’re in the right relationship. This eclipse pattern has been hitting you hard, popping up on the Aries-Libra axis since October 2013. And since the first cut is the deepest when it comes to eclipses, you may have had some sort of relationship shakeup during the first of this trio of annual Libra lunar eclipses which struck on April 15, 2014. Bravo to you (and bae) if you put the pieces back together since then. With everything so rock solid, perhaps it’s time to put a literal rock on THAT finger…this could be one of the pleasant surprises this marriage-minded Libra lunar eclipse brings.
Watch those mic drops, Ram! You're not afraid to ruffle feathers, but when cautious, conservative Saturn turns retrograde in your forthright ninth house on Friday, you'll need to turn on some filters. Your candor isn't appreciated by everyone, and you could burn some bridges that would be better left intact. On the upside, Saturn retrograde can call for a needed time-out. If people have been misinterpreting your "helpful advice," the problem could be your delivery. This Saturn phase can teach you to soften the blows of your truth hammer. Try a little tenderness—AND ask permission to give feedback before you spout your raw, uncensored opinions. Other positive endeavors during this time include launching entrepreneurial projects and purposeful travel, such as for study or to develop your spiritual gifts.
Dreams are for believing, Bull! On Monday, communicator Mercury cruises into Aries and your imaginative twelfth house until April 5. It doesn't matter what your mode of expression is: If you tune in to your muse, you'll be struck by divine inspiration. Fill a notebook with poetry, choreograph new dance moves, make some gemstone jewelry. The more your artistic side gets awakened, the harder it'll be to focus on much else. Give yourself the time and space you need to create without restriction. The twelfth house also rules healing, so the arrival of cerebral Mercury could accelerate results from any kind of therapy. Work with a counselor or get involved with a support group to excavate deep-seated emotions. Compassionate dialogue about your shared issues can bring relief. Not the "therapy" type? Reach out to friends who've been down a similar path. This is a time to grieve over a loss you never mourned and to let ANY tears flow rather than putting on a brave face. You'll have an easier time letting go now, which is good because, as you know, your sign can get a little attached.
Wednesday's total lunar eclipse in Libra lights up your sixth house of health and vitality. It's not too late to start your own spring training, so take a giant lunge in that direction by joining a gym, buying a yoga package or signing up for classes you'll genuinely look forward to. You certainly cannot ignore any health issues or unhealthy habits though. This is the third and final installment of a trio of annual Libra lunar eclipses that began on April 15, 2014. Since then, you have been seeing all the ways that you need to clean up your act a little for the sake of honoring your own well being! Your body is a temple, Taurus, and this eclipse wants you to treat it as such. And if that means you have to overhaul your nutritional plan, cut out sugary snacks or red wine or just move more, follow the prompts and replace those vices with things that actually nourish you. Since the sixth house also rules work, this eclipse could bring sudden changes on the job, too—or you could land a position you’ve been angling for hard since 2014. A "done deal" could start to unravel—or something you thought was dead in the water may show signs of a second life. During the two weeks following this eclipse, network like crazy, and pitch, present and pursue!
On Friday, Saturn—planet of wisdom and self-discipline—turns retrograde in your eighth house of sex, joint resources and big money until August 13. Unless you like sneaking around and not knowing where you stand with someone, make a point of NOT getting involved in anything that isn't 100 percent above-board. Saturn's reversal can also stir up obsessive or jealous behavior, so watch for early warning signs of the emerald-eyed monster, because once you fling open those doors, you could fall down a rabbit hole. On a positive note, this Saturn cycle can help you create some long-lasting practices with a partner that lead to extreme enjoyment in the bedroom as well as an abiding sense of security. The catch? You have to choose your playmates wisely. This is an excellent time to get in touch with your naughty side: Take a pole-dancing or burlesque workshop, learn about tantra, or channel your lusty energy into a creative outlet. An old income stream may reopen, something that helps you make money in your sleep. If you're sharing finances with a business or romantic partner, make sure you're on the same page. You might need to make some adjustments. Spell it out to the letter and even hire a lawyer to draft an official contract or pre-nup.
Up, up and away soars your Q rating, Gemini! On Monday, your celestial ruler, gregarious Mercury, beams into Aries, revving up your eleventh house of networking for the next two weeks. You love being part of a group, and a wicked case of FOMO could make your jam-packed personal life even more hectic. Juggling old and new friends and colleagues as you multiply your already-impressive social network will be stimulating, but even YOUR circuits might get blown in the process. This doesn't mean you need to stay home or miss THE event of the season. But if you want to do it all with your limited time, master the art of "multi-friending." Turn a few tete-a-tetes into epic tribal gatherings to include everyone who's demanding a piece of you. Since the eleventh house also rules technology, this fortnight is a wonderful time to update your digital persona. Schedule a photo shoot for your social network profiles. Bring some costume changes, as you need different looks for Facebook, LinkedIn and dating sites, and just the multifaceted parts of your Gemini personality in each category. (Accountant by day, DJ by night?) Invest a few hours loading some early 2016 highlights into your Instagram feed. Learning a new piece of software can spell money in the bank, as can launching your own blog or adding some great entries as timed posts.
On Wednesday, a total lunar eclipse in fellow air sign Libra lights up your amorous, glamorous fifth house, giving your creative and romantic lives a double shot in the arm. Eclipses are twice-yearly cycles that reveal shadows, and this one could shine a light on a treasure trove of buried desires. Since this is the third (and final) eclipse in an annual trilogy of Libra lunar eclipses it can also signal a huge manifestation in the game of love. You’ve learned so much since April 15, 2014, when these moonbeams started working their magic. Now, there’s no compromising your standards or accepting sub-par behavior from a lackadaisical lover. Cupid could make an unexpected visit within two weeks of this eclipse, but to seize the gifts of this eclipse, you'll have to make a quick decision. Dive in headfirst and give this budding connection a chance to sizzle or fizzle. You'll never discover its true potential if you don't go all in. For some Geminis, this eclipse could simply bring a huge sigh of relief. You’ve learned the difference between excitement and drama and you can choose the former for the sake of your sanity. Ready for your close-up? The fifth house rules fame, and Wednesday could bring some unanticipated recognition for your talents. Don't dodge the spotlight, Gem: Stride into it! Although your preferred dance move is a pas de deux, you're the real star here.
Somber Saturn kicks into its annual retrograde period on Friday, lasting until August 13. In Sagittarius and your seventh house of relationships, the planet of tough love illuminates the need for more structure and security in your key partnerships. Enough of putting up with players! It's time to give the "call me maybe" types an ultimatum—or a pink slip. Retrogrades rule the past, so someone you previously ruled out could return for an encore performance. Before you welcome this person back with open arms, make sure they have truly made the necessary changes to be a suitable match. Existing relationships could get bogged down in heavy vibes during this phase, with practical matters overshadowing romance. This is not a good time to take on major projects as a couple, such a whole-house renovating or allowing a troubled relative to recover from a breakup in your basement. Because Saturn also governs legal matters, you don’t want to do business on a handshake. Cheap can be expensive, so if you have to deal with some old paperwork or re-negotiate a settlement, get an attorney.
On your mark, get set, goal! On Monday, quicksilver Mercury cruises into trailblazing Aries and your career sector. You'll be positively—and professionally—magnetic until April 5, easily attracting the attention of industry influencers. Ah, but first you have to get within attracting range! So come out of your shell and strategically position yourself among the movers and shakers. Once you have their ears, let rip your well-rehearsed elevator pitch. Mercury in Aries brings confidence, and you'll feel at home in this lofty locale—which just so happens to be THE perfect place to connect with potential collaborators and investors. Mercury is the communication planet, and for the next two weeks you'll be blessed with the gift of gab, so get some power lunches and cocktail-hour huddles on the books. Your nurturing sign understands better than anyone that the best business practice is to build strong relationships with professional allies. Allow the lines to blur a bit and get personal—just not TOO personal. It's one thing to show a client photos of your family vacation, but quite another to start dishing about your boss's indiscretions or your own recent dating disaster.
A total lunar eclipse in Libra and your domestic fourth house on Wednesday could signal some changes in your home environment. Have you been considering inviting a new roommate (or partner) into your lair, Crab? Perhaps a family member is in need of more support…or possibly a little LESS? The decisions you make under an eclipse tend to come with a “surprise,” at least if you fail to poke around in the shadows. Before you make any major domestic decisions, think through the worse case scenario. Like what if your new roomie is ALWAYS on the couch when you get home, hogging the remote (and blaring ESPN, even) or “needing” advice when you just want to quietly make dinner then soak in the tub? That invasion of personal space IS awful for Cancers, and the way to ruin a great friendship or love affair if you aren’t careful. If you've been fantasizing about a move—perhaps to someplace warmer or cheaper so you can scale back on the work hours—get acquainted with the real estate websites and listings. And check out the joint at night, too. Who’s lurking around when the 9-5 crowd bolts? Barcrawlers or babies in strollers, you want to make sure that your lifestyle gels with the neighborhood vibe. If you're happy where you’re, look around. Could your home sweet home stand a little redecorating or renovating? Start by creating a Pinterest board—and getting bids. If you've waited this long to do it, you might as well do it right.
On Friday, roll up your sleeves and light that midnight oil lamp, Cancer. Saturn, planet of tough love and hard-learned lessons turns retrograde until August 13 and may demand longer hours at the office—AND the gym now. Even if you feel like you're spinning your wheels at work this spring and summer, stay the course. This is a time for putting long-lasting systems and structures into place. Granted they're not the sexiest elements of a job, but they are the ones that can create a permanent boost in productivity and let you leave the office on time. If you've been having any issues with your knees, teeth or skeletal system (Saturn's bailiwick), get them checked out and consider physical therapy. All kinds of self-care are recommended during Saturn's backspin, as well as cutting back on stress-inducing activities that can exacerbate pain or lethargy. But of course nothing will feel better than a hot stone massage followed a nice long soak in the tub.
Passport, please! The travel bug takes a bite out of you on Monday, as quicksilver Mercury makes a global entry into your ninth house of tourism and adventure until April 5. Nothing wrong with your local stomping grounds, but you'll get a deeper sense of fulfillment if you stretch out and survey wider vistas. This doesn't have to break the bank either, Leo. Ping your pal in Perth or your bud in Berlin to see if they wouldn't love to have you visit. Or consider renting a cute camper for a long weekend and doing the glamping thing. If you can't pack up and go on such short notice, simply researching a trip and getting plans in motion to go SOMEWHERE before the end of April will be stimulating. This ninth-house Mercury transit could herald a cross-cultural spring fling, so go ahead and flirt without borders. But do watch your words! Since the ninth house rules uncensored communication, Mercury's presence could evoke some "open mouth, insert ballet flat" moments. Speak your truth—just try to imagine what effect it'll have on your audience. Don't be so quick to dish out any criticism if you can't take it in return. A better outlet? A journal, blog or memoir. For writers, this Mercury phase could be exceptional.
Wednesday's total lunar eclipse in Libra and your house of friendship could bring some hidden information about a seeming ally out from the shadows. Someone you had thought was solidly in your supporter camp could turn out to be a fair-weather friend—or worse! If inconvenient truths do come to light, don't bury your head in the sand, Leo. You need to face the music—and this frenemy. But make sure you've got all the facts before you attack. On the other side of the coin, you might learn that this person has secretly been going to bat for you. A partnership (likely the platonic variety) could finally become a set-in-stone joint venture at this eclipse. No doubt, this has been in the making for a while, as this is the final in a trio of annual Libra lunar eclipses that began April 15, 2014. But having the security of a real deal agreement is always a relief! Since Libra rules the law, you could be offered a contract, perhaps to write your memoir or a work of fiction since writing and communication are highlighted by the third house. You could also put to bed a long-standing issue with a sibling. Ahh. Time to upgrade your ride? Get to test-driving those 2016 models, even checking out electric cars or scooters since this eclipse highlights transportation, too.
Solemn Saturn switches gears this Friday, kicking off a five-month retrograde cycle in your amorous, glamorous fifth house. Romantic interludes could feel heavy, and you may struggle with commitment issues. On the one hand, you want the stability that it brings, and yet you could feel suffocated in a no-way-out partnership. The key now isn't bolting—it's patiently digging deeper to get clear answers. When you hit a hurdle with your amour, don't try to barrel through it. Hit pause and use this as an opportunity to reconnect to your own creativity, passions and greatness. Saturn also brings the awareness that solid structures within a relationship can keep the sparks alive. Institute a weekly dress-up date night and take turns surprising each other with fun events. Sign up for a couples' workshop (French cooking? Wine pairing? Tantric sex?!). If you have babies on the brain, you may need to call upon that Saturnian patience, as the retrograde could stall the fertility gods. As far as self-promotion goes, make sure you have every last one of your ducks in a row before you start Tweeting your own horn. If you publicize ANYTHING, people will expect you to be able to deliver the goods instantly.
Hello, hot stuff! Thou giveth fever, Virgo. Under normal circumstances your modest sign can be a bit inhibited when it comes to revealing ANY shades of grey. But on Monday your celestial ruler, quicksilver Mercury, shimmies into forthright Aries in your hotter-than-July eighth house and sherpas your seductive powers to their annual summit. This sultry cosmic boost, lasting until April 5, makes it easier to talk about your secret desires and fantasies. With your inner vixen unleashed, you'll be magnetic! If you're single, be discerning about who you attract. If you've been simmering in serious-flirt mode with someone, that pot could reach the boiling point. The eighth house rules intense emotions, and you may easily fall prey. And with expressive Mercury here, be on guard for unannounced visits from the green-eyed monster that make you possessive and downright jealous. Use envy constructively—as a guide to YOUR dreams, not a reason to "covet thy neighbor." This Mercury phase is excellent for upping your financial savvy, especially when it comes to big money like investments, inheritances and commissions. Let the analytical planet's innate curiosity guide you to do more research, which could lead to a white light moment.
Cha-ching! Wednesday's total lunar eclipse in Libra dials up your second house of money. Are you ready to pounce, Virgo? Your phone could start pinging off the hook with opportunities promising big paydays and some desperately needed variety. Eclipses reveal shadows—and are famous for overturning the status quo—but if you haven't been happy with that status quo, this can only be good news! Then again, what could be revealed is a hidden pile of money waiting to be tapped as you realize that you have a monetizable talent or idea right at your fingertips. Hello! Don't worry about not mastering something new right out of the gate—a propensity of your perfectionistic sign. Remember: Rome wasn't built in a day or even one TV season. Just say yes and expect to learn on the job. This fiscally auspicious eclipse gives you the nerve to raise your rate or request a pay increase. Go ahead, Ask for a meeting with the good folks who sign your paycheck in the next two weeks.
Home is where you hang your hat, but starting this Friday, as structured Saturn shifts into reverse in your domestic quarters, it may be the focus of more energy and interactions. From now until August 13, family obligations could shorten your tether and keep you stuck closer to the home fires than you prefer. While it's important to nurture the ties that bind, look at the quality of your relationships. Is your sense of duty getting confused with unhealthy codependence? Instead of enabling relatives to lean on you, find constructive ways to empower them to act for themselves. Retrogrades can undo initiatives or change the rules of engagement, meaning this is NOT the the best time to launch a huge renovation project or make a major move. If you've already hired the workers, consider downsizing your plan before it balloons beyond expected costs and timelines. You may also have to hash out new agreements with the people living under your roof. What's good for the goose isn't necessarily acceptable to the gander. Saturn's backspin forces you to find new ways to co-exist that require more sacrifice from everyone. The good news is, once you DO hit on a great solution, you'll all be able to lighten up again!
Make it a double! Two is your lucky number starting Monday, when animated Mercury zips into Aries, rousing your seventh house of relationships until April 5. (Even if it wasn't actually asleep, it might have been in snooze mode.) Thanks to the arrival of the quicksilver planet, you're open to considering new partnerships–be they romantic or creative. But a handshake agreement won't cut it. Once you hash out the terms, draft a contract or official agreement to spell out the details regarding money, liability and rights. If it's an amorous liaison, be clear about what you want to get out of this as well as what your limits are. Whether or not you're attached, you will benefit from bringing more romance into your life now. Small gestures can trigger big shifts, so treat yourself to fresh-cut flowers and other mood-lifting indulgences like Perrier with lemon, a luxe new sheet set or perhaps a fig or grapefruit scented candle for your nightstand. Single? Increase your chances of meeting a worthy match by spending less time watching Netflix in the tub and more time in social situations where you're actually likely to meet some A-rated prospects. In a LTR? Create more whitespace in your calendar for date nights. Be the rainmaker and pick up pairs of tickets to events instead of leaving it up to chance.
Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in Libra pulls you out of the wings and thrusts you into the spotlight. Come out, come out wherever you are! Take a cue from selfie-queen signmate Kim Kardashian and show the world what you're really made of. (Clothing optional.) Under this auspicious lunar glow, you have cosmic permission to shamelessly promote yourself and the creative endeavors you've embarked on since the Libra new moon last October 12. And look back further even because this is the final act in a trilogy of annual Libra lunar eclipses that began on April 15, 2014 (continuing April 4, 2015, and wrapping this Wednesday). Don't think of this promotion as boasting, though. By sharing your progress and accomplishments, you inspire others to work harder on THEIRS. Just make sure that is clear in your message. What’s in it for them, too? On the other hand, if you've been stuck in a rut for the past six months, this eclipse can be the tow truck that pulls you out. You might finally don the mantle of a new identity you've been cooking up since this series of eclipses in your sign began in April 2014: entrepreneurial mom, personal shopper, public speaker, jazz chanteuse… You are the author of your identity, and no one can put Libra in a box!
Stern Saturn slams the brakes on your socializing come Friday, as it turns retrograde until August 13. But buckle your seat belt. You have no trouble meeting people and collecting friends, but how fulfilling are these relationships? If they never get deeper than casual and superficial, this Saturn phase can help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Think quality over quantity, Libra. While it's certainly cool to network, get a quick read on the tea leaves rather than stretching out a connection with little potential. Schedule one-on-ones with the friends who DO have your back, beyond just being fun to meet up with for cocktails. And make a point of actively listening and engaging with other people's lives. Ask questions and let it be all about them in moments. Sometimes, sharing a personal anecdote to prove that you can relate is not the best strategy for compassion. Since retrogrades rule the past, this Saturn backspin could bring some old friends back into your life. They may not be the wildest and most exciting adventurers, but they're the solid ones with staying power.
Order in the Scorpio court! Agile Mercury blazes into Aries and your organizational sixth house on Monday, turning you into a one-person efficiency squad. The trick to accomplishing a lot is staying focused. Keep expectations realistic and don't bite off more than you can chew over the next few weeks. When the quicksilver planet switches signs on April 5, you don't want to be left with stacks of half-finished projects. A good place to start is by decluttering so you can see what's there. Once you have the big picture in your crosshairs, undertake your major cleanup mission before letting your creative self out to play. If you have a garden, get a jump on your seasonal planning or map out some ambitious designs. No outdoor space? You can still connect with Pachamama by taking your workouts outdoors or joining a hiking or cycling meetup. Don't forget to clean up your calendar. Is it overcrowded with work appointments, social activities and family commitments? Create dedicated time blocks for the things that rejuvenate and inspire you. And don't forget to schedule all those checkups with doctors and dentists. Mercury wants you to be in the know so you can get yourself to (or keep yourself at) optimal health.
It's sweet surrender time when Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in Libra lights up your twelfth house of healing and endings. This is a rare and powerful opportunity to loosen up your tight grip on the control panel and yield to a higher force and purpose. Holding on to anger or resentment only hurts YOU. While you may not be able to forget (as IF, Scorpio), you always have the option to forgive, which is the first and most important step to true and abiding change and healing. If you've wanted to liberate yourself from an outmoded situation or relationship but haven't had the strength, you may find it now. "Letting go" doesn't have to mean leaving. But it probably does mean breaking your knee-jerk tendency to hijack relationships when your fear of abandonment kicks in. Building a stronger sense of self and establishing firmer boundaries are key to this growth. Work with a coach, therapist or support group to help you move what seems like a mountain of grief, anxiety or fear. We're not saying it will be easy, but the payoff could literally change your life. And you are SO ready for this, Scorpio. This eclipse pattern has been going on since April 15, 2014 when the first of three annual Libra lunar eclipses rocked the skies. Any turmoil that got stirred up then has reached its expiration date as this is the final chapter in this eclipse trilogy. Let it go so you can grow!
Structured Saturn brings his exacting approach to finances on Friday, as he kicks off a four-month retrograde cycle in your second house of money and security until August 13. It's time to find a solid middle ground between devil-may-care impulse buys and pinching pennies so tight they bounce. But if managing the mundane makes your eyes cross, hire a virtual (or live) assistant to take on the drudgery. Many charge as little as $15 per hour and can whip your life into shape for the cost of a nice dinner. That's an investment worth its weight in gold. You might even notice that your food cravings die down when you reduce your stress. Which is good, because Saturn's backspin asks you to tighten your belt and live on a stricter budget. On the upside, you can begin to sock away funds to save up for that special big-ticket purchase you've been drooling over.
Va-va-voom, Sagittarius! On Monday, sultry Mercury flits into Aries and your passionate fifth house until April 5. For the next two weeks the romance quotient in your life will go through the roof. Flirt with wild abandon and stay open to the kindness of scorchingly sexy strangers. And widen your search parameters. Seek out potential prospects in different venues, like a lecture or local band's CD release party. Under this festive Mercury spell your spring awakening could dawn on the dance floor or at a party you dropped by. In a LTR? Fun doesn't happen by itself, so plan some unpredictable dates, like private-room karaoke, a couple’s workshop or a weekend jaunt to Palm Springs. Dressing up will be fun under this fashionable Mercury spell, so give your signature “athleisure” style a little more glamour and spice. You might even consult a stylist who can help you shop in your own closet then make a list of pieces to add to get your signature look up to snuff. Your impatient sign can’t be bothered to spend hours in front of the mirror, or even pull together a complicated ensemble. Keep it simple, chic and colorful, playing to your natural beauty instead of anything requiring a lot of maintenance, or worse, dry cleaning!
Your social network comes under the microscope on Wednesday. Have you truly found your soul squad, Sagittarius, or are you in need of fresh recruits? The lunar eclipse in Libra—the third and final of an annual trilogy that began on April 15, 2014—turns the spotlight on your eleventh house of group activity. You may be forced to admit you've outgrown a certain crew and need to move on. As someone who collects amazing people wherever you go, you might just need to make your social strategy a little more cohesive. Assemble them into a dream team or joint venture; or plan an event where you can play Superconnector and bring everyone together. This will be so fulfilling as your enthusiastic sign is turned on by the sheer genius of other people and the synergy that comes from working together. Since eclipses reveal hidden opportunities, and since this one lands in your tech sector, you could meet a new collaborator online or through social media. Click and ye shall find. If you have a new online initiative to launch—or one to spruce up—this eclipse could herald stunning success!
Say it ain’t so, Archer! Starting on Friday you'll need to bring more structure and discipline into your life—in the name of self-preservation. Taskmaster Saturn, which entered your sign for three years on December 23, 2014, kicks off its annual retrograde phase until August 13. This backspin is a clear signal that you MUST take excellent care of yourself. If not, your energy levels could dip. Ditto your patience for players and phonies who've taken up too much of your time in the past, but that’s not a bad thing. While some of your ambitious plans for a reinvention tour may stall, take advantage of the downtime. Mull over your intentions and make sure they're taking you in the the right direction. And don't be too quick to wipe the slate clean. Surely there are aspects of Sagittarius 1.0 that are worth reviving and integrating into your new plans. This retrograde is a valuable time for researching, fortifying and doing the behind-the-scenes work to ensure that you have a strong structure in place that will support you as you make your meteoric ascent up the ladder of success.
Is your home your sanctuary, Cap? Your ideal abode isn't just the place where you hang your fedora. It's wherever your heart—and soul—reside. Starting Monday, when messenger Mercury flits into your domestic fourth house until April 5, you might feel the pull to spend more time at Chateau Capricorn. Could your nest use a little feathering? What small changes can you make that won't break the bank? As an earth sign, you love the feeling of being connected to actual EARTH, so spend more time outdoors. If the weather permits, get your garden going or start researching local community gardens with open membership. Even a small plot will tickle your fancy. (Check out Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening The quicksilver planet is also an efficient organizer, making this a good time to dive into spring cleaning. Conquer the clutter, then get ready for your Derby Day party by finding the perfect classic Mint Julep recipe and taking your fancy hat out of the box. With your fourth house activated, you may be motivated to be the hostess with the mostess. But not to the crass masses! What you're craving is intimacy with people who feel like kin. You can connect deeply without heating up the oven. Get together with close friends for happy hour or pick up the phone. Even an hour here and an hour there can strengthen bonds. Your relationships with women will be particularly warm, lively and fulfilling. You might team up with savvy chicas on a professional project or creative collab.
Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your career corner could bring rapid developments at work—your favorite kind of progress! These feathers in your fedora will be well earned as you’ve been hustling hard since this eclipse pattern began on April 15, 2014. Wednesday’s moonbeams are all about manifestation since this is the final Libra lunar eclipse we’ll see for years. Be the squeaking wheel and you could end the week as a metaphoric oil baron. Dress for success, promote on social media, set up important power lunches and conference calls, and let your voice be heard in meetings. You don't have to leave shoptalk at the office, either. You could have a serendipitous midweek meeting with a stranger who turns out to be the perfect connection for your career. Men are your lucky stars during the span of this eclipse, which can last up to six months. Good thing you're so comfortable hanging with the dudes! Your ease with being part of the boys' club, coupled with this eclipse, will shatter any remaining remnants of that glass ceiling over your head!
Pause for a cause—your own, perhaps—on Friday, as structured Saturn, your cosmic ruler, kicks off its retrograde cycle through Sagittarius and your twelfth house of healing and charitable acts until August 13. Are there some skeletons rattling in your closet, Cap? Or have you buried some feelings so deeply you don't remember where they are? These "shadow" emotions are hard to get at on our own, but if you don't deal with them, they will pursue you like hungry ghosts the rest of your life. Book that therapy appointment or the weekend workshop that can help you process these repressed feelings. A helpful healer or mentor you worked with in the past could reappear to support you on this journey. Clear and simple boundaries must be applied with more insistence AND persistence during Saturn's retrograde. Beware the allure of short-term escapes or temporary highs that derail you from long-lasting satisfaction. And to keep your spirits high, get involved in civic work that helps make your corner of the world a better place. You shouldn’t overdo it here, devoting every spare second to the cause, however, because that can be draining while Saturn is in reverse. But strike the right balance of giving to yourself and giving back to the world. This will inspire more gratitude for your own greatness and the gifts you DO have. The glass is more than half full!
Ain’t no stopping you now! On Monday, expressive Mercury flits into Aries and your communication corner, amplifying your natural-born gift of gab until April 5. You won't have to pick up a clipboard and whistle to be social director nonpareil. Don't worry about those uninspired others sitting around scratching their heads trying to think of something creative to do. You've got a plate full of dance classes, trivia teams and floating gourmet supper clubs to breeze off to. Verbal Mercury bestows special largesse to writers or would-be authors. Dive into your blog or memoir-writing, or join a group like Toastmasters to hone your public speaking skills. The third house rules neighbors, local goings-on and siblings, so look for a fun tribe by getting more involved in neighborhood events. Take a road trip with your bro or sis or a friend who feels like family. Cue up a favorite playlist and croon your way to your destination (or talk the whole way). As long as the music or convo is lively and inspiring, you'll be happy. Or, if you go solo, listen to an uplifting podcast.
When Wednesday's glowing lunar eclipse in Libra flips the ignition switch in your ninth house of global adventures, your simmering wanderlust could reach a full boil. Up, up and away! Where in the world have your itchy feet been dying to go? Which far-flung friend has practically been insisting you come for a visit? This is an auspicious time for anything mind-expanding, so even if you can't book those tickets now, you can still scratch that travel itch by engaging in cross-cultural connections or expanding Brand Aquarius overseas. You might have a white-light moment about an entrepreneurial venture or a major freelance project. Eclipses expose what's hiding behind the shadows, so be careful what you wish for. Ask for more clients and you could wind up with more than you can serve. This eclipse could bring the realization that you need to liberate yourself from a situation, obligation or relationship that is causing you more agony than joy. Rip off that Band-Aid, and let the healing begin! PS: This desire to break free has been a long-time coming as this is the third in a trilogy of eclipses that began on April 15, 2014. If you’re not actually leaving a job or relationship, the eclipse makes it impossible to lie about the parts that feel like torture. Down the truth serum and broach the tough topic within two weeks of the eclipse. Nothing is going to change until you address this proactively and spell out how you REALLY want things to go down.
Discerning Saturn turns retrograde this Friday, pivoting in Sagittarius and your eleventh house of technology and community until August 13. Don't get disheartened by events that occur over the next few months. Consider it an important reality check AND chance to make some necessary mid-course corrections. A group you've been working with could disappoint you, and you might decide to bow out of the project. On the other hand, you might interpret the circumstances as needing to implement smarter systems and get more rigid structures in place to allow your dream team to operate like a well-oiled machine. Got an idea for an app, invention or e-venture? This backspin guides you to do careful due diligence and research. If there are no time constraints, wait until after Saturn straightens out, on August 13, to bring it to market. Since retrogrades rule the past, you could reunite with a posse of powerhouses from back in the day. Use social media to reconnect with former colleagues and collaborators—your Round Two collab could be the charm!
Retail therapy alert! On Monday, quicksilver Mercury bops into your second house of money and possessions until April 5. This could play out in one of two ways: You might have little self-control when it comes to minding your wallet, or analytical Mercury could help you come up with a budget or viable savings plan. But having a plan and sticking to it are two different things, so if you're serious about a personal economic stimulus program, you've got to get religious about resisting the urge to splurge and contributing to your savings account. If you can't NOT shop, buy one amazing "investment piece" whose value will actually appreciate, like a work of art from a hot up-and-comer or a limited-edition designer item that will gain eBay addict’s street value in a year or less. Little indulgences can go a long way once you learn to live on less. Remind yourself that the best things in life aren't things. Let nature nurture you. Take an "art project" hike through the woods and collect flowers, cones or branches to "spruce" up your decor and bring a little piece of the great outdoors home.
Wednesday's powerful lunar eclipse in Libra ignites your eighth house of transformation. Even if you haven't been able to express it in words, you've had a sense for a while now that a certain area of your life was in need of a deep change. This is actually the final installment in a trio of annual Libra lunar eclipses that began on April 15, 2014 so it’s likely you’ve been ruminating—or renovating—since then. Over the next two weeks, as the moon wanes, you'll have glimpses of clarity about what else needs to shift—and HOW you can begin the process. Be patient with yourself, Pisces. Eclipses' sphere of influence lasts six months, so give yourself time to do the slow, lasting work that will support your big decision. If you need a shoulder to lean on, ask for it! Already doing the work? Perhaps a deep sense of satisfaction is what you’ll celebrate. Look how far you’ve come, Pisces! And since the eighth house rules intimacy and investments, the by-products of all your inner work could be something truly rich like a fulfilling romantic relationship or a winning bid (yours!) on a dream home.
On Friday Saturn, the planet of slow and steady progress, makes its annual U-turn, retreating through your tenth house of career ambition until August 13. While this isn't the green light you were hoping for, it's not a red light either. What Saturn signals is caution, and the conservative planet can help you slow down and evaluate where you are channeling your time and energy. Are you on your own true path, Pisces—or are you following someone else's script out of convenience or fear? You might need to break away from a Svengali-like authority figure and explore what's most important to YOU. On the flip side, this might be a time to follow protocol instead of "raging against the machine." If you've veered too far into rebel-yell terrain, you might need to learn the rules before you break them. Some of them can actually support you in your ambitions if you'd only listen (sigh). Saturn is the wise teacher planet, so working with a mentor, coach or guide can help you strengthen your aspirations and gain that high-pro glow you need to launch your dreams into the stratosphere.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

DIY St Patty's Day

I hope everyone had a fun and green St Patty's Day! If you missed out on the DIY St Patty's program here's how to make it on your own time.

1. you need a paper cup that you can paint green on

2. draw a black band on the botttom

3. decorate however way you want it

4. add some gold coins for the pot of gold

It's super fun and easy, and so many different hats came out! Every hat was unique and green in their own way. Don't forget to be safe while drinking this weekend!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Black Films Black Forum Recap

Hello everyone, last Sunday we had a great turn out for my Black Films Black Forum event. We watched Fruitvale station directed by Ryan Coogler and starring Michael B Jordan who plays Oscar Grant the 22 year old black man from San Francisco who was fatally shot by police on New Years Eve with no explanation. The film follows him on his final day and paints a picture of Oscar as an everyday man ending up in an awful situation. We'll be doing two more screenings this year so make sure to stop by downstairs!

Domino's PIE

Hey everyone, I have extremely important news. Domino's pizza has started selling ACTUAL PIE (in the Ukraine) This is huge news for the pie community and surely will be remembered as one of the biggest turning points of our generation. Click the link to find out more.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Throwback: Toilet Paper Bowling and PRIORITIES!

As we approach the end of the semester, it's too easy to fall under the weight of the ever approaching real world. Break down what matters to you most and start from there. Rome wasn't built in a day, but a tower of toilet paper priorities can be.

Back in January we had some toilet paper bowling in the basement. Each roll had a specific priority on it and bowlers organized them however they felt was representative of what they needed to take care of: friends, social media, news, work, family, school, the Future, food, $ and sleep.

Participants were later entered into a raffle for 6 rolls of toilet paper. Just another thing to take off the to-do list!

After the rolls were stacked, students were able to knock them out with a steady and strategic roll of their favorite billiard ball. Most of the participants were thesis students, but even though they were hard at work, taking a step back at their priorities did help (hopefully) in the long run.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Winter Program Roundup

With the warmer days of Spring finally upon us, let's take a moment to look back at a few of the Ludlow Residence's winter programs! Soon we'll be outside soaking up the sun, but let us remember the days bundled up watching moving in the Community Room amidst homework.

The weekend of January 30th was a full one, starting off with the Ludlow Craft Club meeting on Saturday afternoon to fold & cut paper snowflakes. We watched Stephen King's 1408 & made paper winter decorations!

Then on Sunday afternoon with the help of RA Alli, residents baked delicious brownies & watched the instant classic, magic Mike II. In addition, RA Charlotte presented Stress Relief Coloring, giving residents a little time to take a mental break & chow down on some delicious snacks!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Paint your stress away program

Painting our stresses awayyyyyy :)

Bathroom Cleaning 101

So yesterday RA Mason hosted an event involving mold, bubbles, and all things Mr.Clean! Residents came with questions on how to take their bathrooms from Health & Saftey nightmares to A+ havens. There were also free bathroom products handed out!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Get Snuggly! Again!

So, some people (everyone) thought Reservoir Dogs was better than Pretty in Pink. I'm going to object to that.

The best scene in Reservoir Dogs, is, arguably, the dance scene. Right? We can all agree on that? Mr. Blonde turns up the radio and dances in front of the cop while he's cutting him up with the knife? This scene:

But, the best scene, arguably, in Pretty in Pink, is ALSO A DANCE SCENE.

The plot is also remarkably similar in both movies. A group of outcasts (criminals, "unpopular" kids) rebelling against another group of people (cops, "popular" kids)? One of them (Mr. Orange, Andie) is a bridge between both sides and suffers the consequences of it (getting shot, getting shot DOWN)? Wake up people. These are basically the same movies (even the names! Molly Ringwald is PRETTY in pink, Steve Buscemi is PRETTY pissed that he's Mr. PINK?) The only thing that could make these movies even more similar is if Duckie cut off Steff's ear at the prom.

How 2 Bake like a Grandma 2: The Rebakening

Boy, did this feel strange!

In case you were wondering “man, those blueberry muffins I had two months ago were SO GOOD too bad Nick’s late on this blog post and I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO GET THE RECIPE NOW” well, wonder no more!

Recipe (for blueberry muffins):

1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour (not “some” purpose, or “no” purpose, or “I don’t know anything about life, do I have a purpose, do any of us have a purpose, what’s the point of all this”)
3/4 cups of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/3 cup of vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup of milk (I like to use skim milk to make myself think it cancels out all the sugar, but I won’t judge you if you use like, 1%, or even 2%)
1 cup fresh blueberries (fresh as in recently picked/bought, not fresh as in the attitude - you don’t want that kind of fresh blueberry, because they’ll very strongly object to being baked and eaten)

Recipe (for that sweet sweet crumble):

1/2 cup of white sugar
1/3 cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of butter, cubed (cubed like the preparation technique, not like the math exponent)
1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

Step 1! Preheat oven to 400 degrees! Grease muffin cups or line with muffin liners!
Step 2! Combine your dry ingredients in a mixing bowl! Combine your wet ingredients in a measuring cup! Combine both into one super combination!
Step 3! Combine your crumble ingredients together in a separate bowl!
Step 4! Place crumble on top of muffins BEFORE baking!
Step 5! Bake those bad boys for 20-25 minutes!
Step 6! ENJOY