Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Local woman forgets to pick up Metro Card - has to wait until February 9th for next offer.

"I'll just do it tomorrow..."
Those were the famous last words of sophomore interior design student Nada Fay. Soon enough, Tomorrow became the next day, and the next day would become the day after that until Saturday January 17th hit and it was too late for Nada to pick up her unlimited Metro card from the office of residence life located in the mezzanine of 23 Lexington Avenue.

If ONLY she had made time to go one day between January 12 and January 16th from 9am - 4:45pm.

We asked Nada about the situation and she had this to say: "I feel foolish. I was really banking on using that metrocard to avoid the bone chilling weather that January is notorious for. I've goofed up bad THIS time."

All metrocards are distributed at the Office of residence life: 23 Lexington Avenue Mezzanine Monday - Friday 9am-4:45pm

Metrocard #1: Available January 12 - January 16

Metrocard #2: Available February 9 - February 13

Metrocard #3: Available March 9 - March 13

Metrocard #4: Available April 6 - April 10

Dont get left out in the cold. pick up your metrocard today.


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