Thursday, March 21, 2013

The old English countryside

The English countryside is known for its' rolling hills and green fields but we also have beautiful beaches and castles. I was over in the North of England for spring break and drove up to this small village called Craster. It has around three hundred people living there and is tiny! There is a little harbour and no supermarket or phone reception. However the houses were so quaint and the people very kind. Craster is known as the village closest to Dunstanburgh Castle. You have to walk this stretch of grass in order to get there with the shore on the right. 

The beach had all these rockpools with crabs inside. I used to love going crabbing when I was younger and try and catch them with bacon. I grew up next to the beach in Brighton so getting to smell those familiar scents and feel the sea breeze brought back lots of memories and felt amazing. 

We went on quite a misty day, which is most days in England, and the castle in the distance looked very mystical and elusive. I don't think I will ever get sick of the nature and surprises that the English countryside has to offer. We have lots of other beautiful places too if anyone wants to find out others let me know!

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